Just a reminder:

Our blog is open to everyone and it is something we should all be able to enjoy and be proud of. If we take it seriously, it will be fun as well as informative. Kindly keep in mind the Acceptable Use Policy of our school and if you need to see it again, it is available on the school website.

Friday, June 3, 2011

End of Soph...

Wow sophomore year really went by fast. It seem like I was a freshman just yesterday,afraid of the first day of school. Now we're all here as Sophmores,about to take the next step in life. Sophomore year was quit hard I shall say. But there were some good moments. The hardest part of it was all of the projects. There we so many group projects that required a lot of patience and also required team work. The easiest part of it all,or will be soon is cleaning out our lockers. It may seem foolish but it is. You're emptying out all of the past, and preparing for the future. Hope all my fellow classmates have a great summer and are preparing for Junior year.!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Almost Over And What had Happened...

Well i think everyone has made good progress this year, well I think I did anyway. This year turned out to be one of the best because I have'nt really gotten in trouble and also my grades has been going very well. Most people believe that sopomore year is the hardest because of the tons of work we get in so little time. There also have been rumors going around that the world was going to end and for that sake most people thought the school year was going to end even faster than it was surpose to. People should always believe that God has his reasons for everything and people can not fortell the future. Another thing is our all time favorite thing about school is Spirit Day and the joy that comes to teens mind. When this day comes around people forget about all the arguing and disputes that happend all throughtout the school year and just have fun. This school year is I think my all time favorite year.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Almost There!

The school year is almost over. If I must say so myself this year was much harder than last year. To get by this hard year I had to keep telling myself that we are that much closer to being done. I hope that everyone does well on the exams and don't have to go to summer school. I hope everyone has a great summer and see you guys next year.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

I like this quote because when something bad happens, it feels like the end of the world. But it happened for a reason and you will realize that later in life it could have been for the better. Sometimes its just good to laugh off the embarrassing moments, smile even when your sad, and remember that you have you family and friends all around you that care.
I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you learn to trust noone but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
- Marilyn Monroe

I like this quote because there is always a reason for something to happen good or bad. And God would never let something terrible happen to you. There's always a good thing that comes out of the situation no matter if its physical, mental, emotional or spirtitual.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Theology in 208 Period 7: Joint project

When starting the joint project I thought it was a great idea and would be loads of fun. When progressing in the project it started to get very frustrating and I felt like my work was everywhere. The hardest part of it was figuring out what had to be done and who was doing it. Yes I loved communicating with the other student from Williamsport but it was very difficult to get direct answers kinda. If I had to do it again I would defiantly do it different by being way more organized. I honestly wouldn't want to do it again. But it was a good experience.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Film critics

Write your opinion of your favorite film about Jesus (or any Bible story). Tell us the name of the film and why it is your favorite.


Most of us have had occasions to read someone's death notice (obituary). The notice usually includes a summary of the person's family, accomplishments, cause of death,  survived by, memorial etc. Write an obituary for Jesus if the style of a modern obituary.

Time of year

Sophomore year started with some high expectations and plans. Now reality has set in. What is the hardest part of this time of year?

Joint project

Completing the joint project with the students in Williamsport had good points and bad points. What was the hardest part of it all. What did you learn? If you had to do it again, what would you do differently?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fatherless #2

The character that stood out the most was Moia because she had the most problems and needed the most help. I was always wondering what she would do next, and what was going to happen to her. I felt bad for her and her family, but i realized that families all over the world constantly have to deal with family members with Moia's issues.

Monday, February 28, 2011

fatherless # 2

The character who standed out the most was moia. because people like her really exist, An some of them cant be saved unfortunately. because of the damage they went through they just feel like living among people is too much. They don't know who to trust and who is really there to help them. so they feel like they have no one in the world . The scene that had really had me at an aw, Is when moia actually took her own life and left a letter stated how everything was going to happen. The reason why I chose moia because i feel as though it might reach out and give them enough courage for those who are in similar situations and are scared to come forward. And i think that if you have a problem such as that you should go to your parent(s) and tell them regardless of the reaction you might get.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fatherless choice #3

One of the reviewers of Fatherless called the characters noble and flawed. Explain this by using at least three characters from the story.

Fatherless choice #2

Which character is the most memorable to you and why? Which scene stands out in your mind? Explain.

Fatherless choice #1

By the end of the book Fatherless, we have some insights into why Mr. Gail chose that title. How does the title relate to his subject and characters?  Explain. (In other words, who is fatherless and how did it happen? What effect does being fatherless have on those who are fatherless?) Really think about this and relate to the book.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The pope likes facebook?!

Young people in particular are experiencing this change in communication, with all the anxieties, challenges and creativity typical of those open with enthusiasm and curiosity to new experiences in life…In this field too [the web] we are called to proclaim our faith that Christ is God…I invite young people to make good use of their presence in the digital world.

Pope Benedict XVI, From the Vatican, January 24, 2011, Feast of St. Francis de Sales

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow v. Sun

One more thing about the snow. Do we want more or are we ready for some fun in the sun?

Snow Days

When you hear that a snow storm is coming the first thing you probably think about is "Are we going to have school?!". I'm pretty sure everyone does. Who wouldn't want a day off of school? But when we get that phone calling saying "there's no school today", instead of being excited about not having to go to school, why don't we get excited that that's one extra day that we get to spend time with our families? One extra day that we get have a meal, laugh, hug, or memory with our families that we wouldn't have had if we were in school. So when we hear "there will be no school today" yes get excited that we have a day off of school, but also get excited that that's one extra memory that we'll always have with our families.

Exams !

Everyone has been stressing over exams. On the bright side we only have two exams left. We've made it so far. I hope all our hard works pays off.

Good lucky everyone !

Friday, January 21, 2011

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. i make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as he** don't deserve me at my best."
~Marilyn Monroe

This is one of my favorite quotes beacuse it shows that if a guy cant handle you want your in a bad mood, then he doesn't understand you and you shouldnt be with him. It helps me understand that not every guy i know will understand me, or get what im going though. you shouldn't be with a guy that does not get you or how you are felling sometimes because you will get mad or upset that he does not understand you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

teen jobs

MONEY! It means freedom, it means excitement, it means maturity and it means responsibility and Independence. Most teenagers begin to think about earning their own money when they are in their in high school. With their own money we could do what we want, buy the clothes we want and go the places we want. And getting a job will give us the experiences that we need to work in the future.


sports are important, Yes it may seem hard to do things outside of school, homework and friend stuff. Here are some reasons that you should participate in extracurricular activities. The good news is that colleges pay attention to your life inside and outside the classroom. Yes, your academics come first, but your activities reveal a great deal about you and you could earn a full scholarship to any college that may take interest in you.
A true friend knows the song of your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

Everyone has hard times their life. Some are harder to get through than others and your true friend is the person that is always there for you. You can tell them anything and everything and they will help you get through it. In my opinion, it is one of the greatest gifts God gave us: friendship and love.
You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get.
~ Michael Phelps

I like this because some people think they aren't good enough and can't do things but if you put your mind to it you can do anything. I think everyone has at least one moment where they think they aren't good enough to hang out with those people or your not good enough for the basketball team; but if you give it your all you can do it.


is a social epidemic.
that is negatively affecting teens across the country. In some cases, forms of harassment can lead to depression or even worse–death. cyber bullying can come from many places such as cell phones , computers etc. It has gotten worse in the last couple years there has been several deaths due to cyber-bullying.I think that people should just accept people for who they are not who they think they should be. may the people who lost their young lives due to cyber ,or any type of bullying R I P.....


We should all follow good meaningful lessons on life and love. We all know that you cannot make someone love you, you can only be sombody that people love. The rest is up to them. We also know that it takes years to build up trust, but only seconds to have it be destroyed. Another meaningful lesson on life is; sometimes its not enough to be forgiven by others, sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.


Word on the street is that it's supposed to snow tonight into tomorrow morning! I think the snow is getting kind of annoying. It's fun getting off or having a 2-hour delay but we have exams next week! I can't afford to lose the time that we could be using for reviewing for exams. What do you guys think?

You Are Special

Each of us is special in our own way. None of us deserve to be treated with disrespect and cruelty. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Dont put others down because when you disrespect somone, you're disrespecting Gods creation. Each human life is precious, so love everyone you meet.


Family means way too important, and friends are way too valuable to lose. Life is too short to avoid sharing your feelings with people you care most about. Let them know how you feel. Let them know they mean the world to you. My friends are the siblings that God knew my parents wouldnt be able to handle. I thank God everyday for my friends and family. Friends may come and go, but family is forever.
Does everyone agree with the saying "everything happens for a reason". If you do or do not please explain your perspective. Personally, I strongly believe in this quote. The reason of why I believe this is because we make mistakes to learn from them and in learning from the mistakes we make, we become better beings. Additionally I believe that everything that happens is meant to make us appreciate the very thing that God has given to us in life. In closing, Here is my perspective on this particular saying.

A New Beginning

Nobody can go back to start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Life is precious, live it to the fullest. Treasure it always, and remember to love everyone you come across, even your enemies. If you make a bad decision you cant go back and change it, but you can control the outcomes of that bad decision. We only have one life to live, so live it the best way that you can.


Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart. To handle yourself use your head, to handle others use your heart. The only was to get rid of enemies is to make them your friend. You only have one life to live so live it to the fullest. Don't let one person bring you down. Hold your head up high and live how you want.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Life is not just waking up and completing a daily routine, but life is breathing, smelling, and tasting what God has in store for you. God already knows your future but its up to you to set a high standard for yourself with goals for what you have planned next for yourself. Those goals should lead towards succes and living a life God would be proud of, because we all have free will to make our own decisions its just up to us to make good ones. God wants us to lead a life that we will never regret in the past, but one for us to look back on and smile with joy in our hearts. I plan to live life to the fullest as God wants me to down the right path that will lead me to heaven.


I believe that this school year has been exetremly difficult to deal with from my point of view, but maybe because the work is more challenging and alot to complete at once. In times like these I think that we should just stop for a minute and pray to God and ask him to give us strength to keep faith in him and ourselves. Sometimes I know that we all feel overwhelmed with the amount of work in so little time but we all need to keep our faith alive. The Lord is always watching over us but we can not expect for him to help us unless we help ourselves. So I would like to encourage all students who are at a withend to keep their FAITH!!! :)


Every school I promise myself that I will accomplish something different. But do I live up to it? NO! Why is that? Well I think my problem is that, I underestimate myself. I loose faith. But this year I said," I'm going to get Honors,no matter how hard it is." Have I made my goal? Yes,I did. Am I happy? Of course I am, and I will continue to be happy.
To reach your goal in the future, all you have to do is believe. Believe that your goal isn't impossible for you to achieve. Believe that you can do anything you want in this world, only if you put your mind to it. Believe in God. But most importantly,believe in Yourself!


I think its very important to forgive. But you don`t forget what has been done to you.
You just take it and learn from it and what to do next time in case something ever happens again.Another reason why forgiveness is so important because life is short and holding grudges against people is not good. I think if you have a issue with a person or a friend i think you should be able to talk it out with the person. you never know what might happen you might see them today and there and they might be gone tomorrow. Tomorrow is not promised so you should just forgive and solve your problems & live for today. And not think about what tomorrow brings.that's my thought on why I think forgiveness is important.

Live A Happy Life

Fill your life with as many moments and experiences of joy and happiness as you can. Sometimes the smallest things in life are the most treasured. When you fall, get back up. When you fail, try again. When you forget what matters most in life, all you have to do is pray.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Exams are almost a week away! I think these exams will be the hardest ones yet. We have to stay positive and believe in ourselves. We have to study hard and rest up. School is getting harder and we have to take on the challenge and do our best. Good Luck everyone!

you are beautiful

You may think you're not pretty enough, that you're not skinny enough, or that you're just not good enough, but trust me, you're amazing and beautiful. Any one who says different doesn’t deserve to be in your life. Always remember, to the world you are just one person, but to one person you may just be the world.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

School is very important because we need to get our education. Education is the main key in life it gives us knowledge of the world around us. It gives us good ideas on what we want to be in life, it gives us career opportunities. It helps us in the future , that's why I thank my parents for sending me to Archbishop Prendergast because i'm getting a good education :)
Family is Always There For You.

Family is very important because we need each other in many ways. We are never alone because we have each other. When you need somebody to talk to, or when you need something, all you have to do is go to your parents or siblings and they will help you with anything you need. Family are the main people that will always be in your life no matter what happens.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Love everyone Including your Enemies!!

In today times when one argues with another we feel the need to never speak to them again. We also might want them to be hurt or ashamed in some kind of way, but we should think about that because when it really hurts that person deeply we think about how we made that person felt and if we would want something like that to happen to us. So us children of the future should set a good example for everyone including the people older than us because like how the bible says "nobody's perfect" but we can try our hardest to make the world good and peaceful, but it all starts with us....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Forever Friend

"Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you don't need to worry. You have a forever friend, and forever has no end."
Prendie Class of 2013'

Everything happens for a reason

Someday everything will all make sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that ~ everything happens for a reason.

Help me pray!

This week I pray for my older brother who will be entering bootcamp in order to be a Marine. These next 3 months while he's gone, I will be praying for his safety and for him to become something more then he ever thought he could be. I pray for this new path of his to lead him where he dreams to be. Keep my big brother in your prays(: I love you Blaise!
~ There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother.

Trust In God

I don’t think no one should lower they're expectations or change just to feel the love or liked by someone. Love is a vulnerable thing. Don't let anyone take your right to love. No one else can "Save you", "Make you" or “break you”, live life without regrets. Pain brings strength. Love brings happiness; And God answers all prayers if you just believe in him and what he can do for you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One Door Opens

When one door of happiness closes, another one opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us ...

Second Chances

In life we don't always get to re-do our mistakes. So instead we do our best to make up for our faults. When we are given a second, we should do our best to not make the same mistake twice. We should never take the second time around for granite. Never give up on making a situation you messed up better.

Tycesa Boone

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The truth. The truth is something that is more handsome than the affectation of love. It an be told in many ways. Even though it may hurt,its something that lets out a lot of emotions and mixed feelings. The truth helps you discover who You really are.