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Friday, May 13, 2011

Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

I like this quote because when something bad happens, it feels like the end of the world. But it happened for a reason and you will realize that later in life it could have been for the better. Sometimes its just good to laugh off the embarrassing moments, smile even when your sad, and remember that you have you family and friends all around you that care.


DeVaughn N said...

I like this quote because when you look back on the bad or embarrassing things in the past you notice that it really wasn't as horrible as you may have made it seem.Things that may have been a hardship or bad time for you happened for a reason and you should look at it as a lesson learned.I always look back on alot of situations and think about was the tears or frowns really worth it when I could have just learned something from it. So the next time you think your in a bad situation think about it for a moment and ask yourself what can I really get out of this whole situation.

E.M.mie said...

WOW! I love this quote, it's actually one of my favorites!It's so true .. I live everyday reminding myself that everything happens for a reason. Bad things and good things happen to you all the time but that shouldn't stop you from laughing and smiling because you don't know if God has a better plan for you! Live your life likes it's your last day and always remember everything happens for a reason. (:

Amirah G said...

:) this is a wonderful quote, things happen for many reason but in the end it all makes sense. Later on in life you will understand everything, if you make a mistake its okay everybody isn't perfect. You should live your life like its your last day because you will never know what will happen, thats why you always should do the right thing

hughes, s said...

This quote is so inspiring to me. Many people go through a lot of hardships in their lives and they let those things get them down and keep them down. But this quote teaches me that everything will work out in the end, and we can just look back at it as a learning experience for the future.If something in my life is bothering me or giving me a hard time, I will just keep striving to live a good life and not give up on myself. Everything that I encounter in my life will make me a better person.

Mary McElhone said...

I love this quote! I think it's so inspirational. This quote reminds me that no matter what happens, good or bad, it happens for a reason. That reason might not be what you hoped for but it's leading you to what God has planned for you. It also reminds me to never take life for granted. I also love this quote because it reminds me that no matter what happens, life goes on.