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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Almost There!

The school year is almost over. If I must say so myself this year was much harder than last year. To get by this hard year I had to keep telling myself that we are that much closer to being done. I hope that everyone does well on the exams and don't have to go to summer school. I hope everyone has a great summer and see you guys next year.


cesira said...

I agree, this year was much harder than last year. There was more homework, projects, and responsibility. What I have learned this year was not doing assignments last minute and to be more organized, and to study more. I hope that everyone does well on the exams and people don't end up in Summer school. I am so excited for this year to be over!

fields.N said...

this year was harder in most cases.
because were getting older and more mature. what I learned is how to work with different people,and how to manage my time wisely in class and how to study and not worry about the small things. well I hope everyone has a great summer because we deserve it.

DeVaughn N said...

I do think that this year was much harder then last year especially with Biology classes,all the projects, and hectic schedules.I think that this year became more difficult because its going to count the most on our college records along with our junior and senior years in which we take SAT's. I had to keep pushing myself to keep up with my work and hardships of my classes, but I just kept thinking about how fast these beautiful highschool years are going to fly by. I do think that I worked extremely hard this year to keep my grades up and I finally reached my goal of 2nd honors which seemed very difficult to reach this year.So after this school year I think that this summer will pay off with nothing but relaxation because we all need it.

E.M.mie said...

I totally agree, this year was harder I think because all the teachers some how gave us so much work on the same days so it was hard to juggle. But it was awesome when we would go days or weeks with not alot of homework because it gave us time to relax. I wish the teachers spread out the work more better but not everything can be perfect! I just can't wait to start my junior year!

Amirah G said...

I agree, this year was very difficult for me. I had to keep all my grades up even when my teachers kept giving me all this work. But i always found a way to work it out I had to stay very organized do all my homework because homework is a major grade. I studied harder to pass all my test, and i also had to make time for my school work. I'm so happy that sophmore year is over now i'm officially about to become a junior

hughes, s said...

This year, by far was the HARDEST. Each year i start out saying "I want to get at least second honors every quarter". I haven't been able to accomplish that task at all this year unfortuneatley. Although i have been close to reaching that goal, there was always one subject that held me back. I am a little dissapointed that fell into that category of people who struggle their sophomore year, but at least I wasn't the only one who thinks it was a tough year. Now, all there is to do is keep working hard all the way up until the last day of exams.

Solomon, T said...

I agree, sophomore year has defiantly proven to me that it's harder than freshman year. I've had some struggles here and there but I always managed to pull through. I under estimated sophomore year. I didn't think it would be this hard. I'm really preparing myself for exams because, as we all know summer is right after exams. I've taken a lot from this year. Junior year is the next chapter in our lives and it's right around the corner.

Maria U :) said...

I now know why everyone told me that sophomore year was the hardest. Because as freshman you just reviewing pretty much but this year was so much new stuff and A LOT of work! It is still hard for me and the stress with exams coming up doesn't make it any beter. But I'll keep pushing through and do my best and hopefully have a good rest of the school year!

Rayy! said...

I totally agree that this year has been the hardest. It will probably be the hardest out of all four years of high school. It has been very stessful with all the work that every teacher gives us. I try my very best in every class and Im going to continue until the exams & the last day of school ends.

Mary McElhone said...

I agree. This year was very difficult at times but I got through it. I got through it by telling myself each morning how many more days were left of school. I just can't wait to get exams over with!! And I bet everyone can agree with me on that. I hope everyone has an awesome summer!