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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Time of year

Sophomore year started with some high expectations and plans. Now reality has set in. What is the hardest part of this time of year?


Bunn G. said...

I had alot of high expectations for sophmore year. Some I achieved, some I almost achieved, and some I didn't achieve. The hardest part of this time of year was the last few weeks of school, which is right now. Now that the year is coming to an end, just when you think its over...you get loaded with work and projects. Now I'm cramming for tests, exams, projects...the end is probably the worst part of the year. I have about five projects due by the end of the year. I'm trying to get my grades up to avoid summerschool. The end is the hardest, and as soon as its over...and summer will be here, I'll be happy. Overall, I think the last few weeks is the hardest part of the year.

Ciera H. said...

For me, the hardest part of Sophomore year is the end. I said the end because we have exams and being tested on everything that we learned this year. We have to start thinking about SATs and what colleges we are going to apply for. You have to be more focused on your school work than anything else. Thats the hardest part for me because I'm not really thinking that much about college as I should be.

D'Yonna Venson-Nave said...

Now that sophmore year has set in,the hardset part for me is keeping my grades up. In the beginning of the school year it was somewhat easy. Now that we've learned a lot,we have so much to commit to memory. Also the hardest part of sophmore year is preparing for our exams. That's a lot of studying and preparation that we have on our hands. And on top of that,the many tests that our teachers will try to cram in on us at the last minute.

Brehon said...

I think the hardest part of this year was keeping up with my work. I started the year with high expectations and I managed to meet most of my goals. I missed some of my goals but that gives me the fuel to work harder. I think sophomore year is the hardest year because you have a lot of work. Its hard to keep up homework and finding time to study.