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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Film critics

Write your opinion of your favorite film about Jesus (or any Bible story). Tell us the name of the film and why it is your favorite.


Ciera H. said...

My favorite Bible story is the movie about the plageues. It was about Pharoah letting people go from slavery. Moses was born a Isrealite but was raised as a Eygptian.The only mother he knew was the Pharoah's sister until one day she let him meet his birth mother and father. Then when he seen an Egyptian beating a slave and killed him and then he knew what his destined to do God's will and free his people.

ROBYN C said...

My favorite film in the Bible is "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". I really love this film because it expressed gratitude by having Jacob give Joseph (his favorite son) a coat to show how much he loves and care for him. The film also shows how family is an important thing and nothing can come between blood. I liked the film every since I was in the 6th grade because my and school and I did a show on it. When I first saw the film the first thing I realized was the hatered and jealiously in Joseph's brothers eyes and how they didn't like the fact that Joseph didn't have to do that much work and he thought he was a miricle child. Another thing I found intersting about the film was that Joseph could fortell people's dreams. When he did that it helped save him from being in jail and also becomming king and then trying to trick his brothers into thinking that his younger brother had stolen a gold cup from him. This is one film I will never forget because the children's one is very creative and it has a wonderful song about family and also about diffrent colors that was on Joseph's coat. This film is so amazing and I suggest that if you never saw it before to go see it because it will be a life long lesson about famliy.

Bodiford.D said...

My favorite Bible story that was made into a film is the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. The reason I like this story so much is because it's a story on how God saved the chosen people from the Egyptians. This is a real creative film and every director has a different perspective on how the events took place. Yet all the directors didn't stray form the real story they just put their own personal touch on certain events in the story. Another reason I like this story out of the Bible is because Every Easter my mother and I watch the Ten Commandments when it comes on television.