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Friday, February 25, 2011

Fatherless choice #2

Which character is the most memorable to you and why? Which scene stands out in your mind? Explain.


Amirah G said...
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Amirah G said...

I think the most memorable character that stands out to me is Moia. She is very aggressive, she has been through many situations in the past couple of years. So that is the reason why she changed so much, she has had enough with everybody. She makes this book more and more interesting because she always have drama and something is always happening to her, but I think if she lets father help her she will be okay, and she might even change the way she act and towards her parents. I think if she talk to her parents she will fill much better. But her parents always are trying to get her help but Moia want to be immature and not cooperate right.

elishah said...

The character the stands out the most to me is Maggie beacuse i know what her family was going though. How they tried to help her to get her passed her depression, my brother was depressed because it runs in my family on the mens side. I know that my parents felt helpless when they heard that he tried to kill himself im just glad my brother had really good friends who told someone what was going to happen. Even though Moia didn't get the help she need my brother did. The part in the book that stands out to me is when Maggie just left the doctor's office when she saw Moia. It was like she was giving up on her daughter, i dont know what i would do if my parents had given up in my brother. I just hope every person that is depressed can get the help they need becasue no one should every feel so helpless that they try to kill themselfs.

ROBYN C said...

I think the most memorable character to me is Moia. She has a lot of drama and strife in her life which she has to think about daily. She is a very strong yet deceiving person because every time you think she healing on the inside it only shows on the outside. Moia makes the book interesting and unique because she has been through things children or even adults can relate to. When i think of Moia the scene that always comes to my mind is her committing suicide. It comes to my mind every time because the book makes it seem as though she is going to eventually heal and overcome any doubt in her mind, but then it also makes you think about how she really looks at life after being dealt with all her heartache and pain.Moia is a very intriguing child because most people today couldn't even hardly bare the thought of something happening to them like that and still moving on in life, but she did and not in a very nobel way. She always had issues in her household and always getting images of her past in her mind. Another scene that stands out in my mind when I think of her is her grades dropping in school. This also stands out to me because when you a teen all you do is look at the bad side of things and her grades could be a reflection of that. Moia could be like us today as people because us tenneagers today like to be bundled up in drama and also boys and that can sometimes affect our daily school life especially if those things happen inside the school walls. This scene was a hint for everyone because it gives you a perspective to think about the good things that happened in you life and also to be thankful that you even have a life to live for. Moia is a wonderful character in the story and is a great person to read about in "Fatherless".

Maria U :) said...

The most memorable character to me is Moia. She had so much responsibility for her family especially what she has been through. She had to take care of her siblings and maybe didn't take enough care of herself and just got fed up with everyone. She made the book interesting for me because there was always something new going on with her. The scene that stands out to me is when her Maggie found the note from Moia. Her dad, Bill was planning on leaving Maggie and Moia knew about it. That's when Maggie realized that Moia was going to commit sucide. When she found her it was too late. This scene stands out to me because it was one of the parts that just got me into the book.

Anonymous said...

The person that was most memorable was Moia. The scene that stands out the most was when Moia's father was thinking about how she was as a little girl. The thought of his little girl made him break down. Thier family had been through a lot, especially Moia. Moia had a very hard life, and I respect her for holding on as long as she did. I do believe her parents tried as hard as they could even though they had thier own problems. Moia was just to far gone to get the help she needed. She could not longer trust anyone, because of what happened to her. I'm not saying that the way she handled it was the best way, but to her maybe it was. The things that happened to her shouldn't happen to anyone.

hughes, s said...

I think Moia is the most memorable character in my opinion. Her situation in the story is a situation that many teens go through today and its important that people read this book so they know how to fix the problem. She is so unhappy with her life. The scene that stands out to me the most is when Moia pulls her dresser on top of herself and attempts to kill herself. It really shows how depressed she was and how she refused to accept anyones help. She felt there was no where else to turn so she turned to suicide which is the worst choice. This is a common thing that happens in the world today and im sure many people can relate to this story in many ways.

Brehon said...

The character that stood out the most to me was Moia. She had a very big role throughout the book. In the beginning she was an obedient child, helping her mother with all her siblings but by the end she was a depressed young adult. She wanted desperately to end her tragic and you read that in the book. You feel confused about the transition of Moia's character but you also feel sympathetic towards her because of her depression. Moia's family struggles has well with her change in behavior. You read as the family tries to stay together and it seems they succeed but in the end, Mr. Keeley leaves. Moia was in a lot of emotional pain and it seemed she hid it for a lot of the time. The scene that was memorable was when Moia attempted to kill herself by pulling her mother's old dresser on top of herself. It is always shocking when someone decides to end their own life.

DeVaughn N said...

I beleieve that Moia was one of the most memorable characters because she expereinced the most confliction out of all the other characters.She had to go through keeping in one of her biggest yet frightening secrets about someone you would least expect to harm you.She had to face the fact that she was molested by the priest in her Parish and had became seriously emotionaly harmed to the point that she had become pshyco.I think the only reason she had became this way because she didn't know how to express her feelings and was also afraid about the outcome of the secret.So I believe that she took her feelings out on her family and also herself for not telling anyone about what happened sooner.
The scene that stands out the most in my mind is when she began to act out in front of her family by destructing all the valuables in the house.Then the family soon sent for Father Sweeney when they realized they couldnt control her actions. Father Sweeney then entered the house when he seen the disaster that Moia had committed and he was extremely devasted by the destruction. The family soon heard a loud thump as father Sweeney was praying outside the door.Moia's mother 200lb dresser had feel on top of her after she had went through her horrible outburst.

Rayy! said...

i think Moia is the most memorable character because she had alot of bad expierences in her life that most people don't have to deal with. It would hurt to live life knowing that you got raped by a priest in your own Parish. People would think being in church and looking up to God would make everything better, i guess not. Keeping a secret like this and letting it build up inside you, isn't good for your health. That is probably why she became physco and wanted to kill herself. She grew up being depressed her whole life. I kind of know how that feels because i was depressed for 5 years, and it is just now going away because i got the help i needed. If only Moia could have talked to her family about her problems, she wouldn't have wanted to end her life at such a young age. Moia makes this book much more interseting because no one has a story like her. She went from taking care of her siblings to just not caring anymore.

Solomon, T said...

The character that stands out the most to me is Moia. Moia has been through tough times in her life and has dealt with a lot. The times that went on in the past has lead Moia to the way she is now. Moia is very stubborn and refused to listen to anyone. I think if she opened up to her family it would’ve been a different outcome. Moia was very depressed and kept all of her secrets bottled up inside of her and it just ate away at her. Her family tried to help her but she was too stern and stubborn to open up and seek help. It was very frightening, upsetting, and sad to read about Moia trying to take her own life away.

McElhone M said...

I think Moia stands out to me the most. Moia was very troubled and frightened. No one really knows the reason of this because Moia won't talk to anyone about it. I believe that if Moia told someone why she is the way she is, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did. It's sad that Moia was so troubled that she took her own life away. So many people tried helping Moia but for some reason Moia wouldn't tell anyone what was wrong.

The scene that stands out to me the most is probably a lot different then a lot of other peoples. At the beginning of the story, Moia was different than she was during the rest of the book. She was very helpful to her mother and siblings when her mother was having a severe migraine. It really shows how much Moia changed. By the end of the story, Moia wouldn't even speak to her family.

Bunn G. said...

I think the character that stood out the most was Moia. No one really understood her or what she was going through. Moia's story is the only part of the book I liked. A lot of people can relate to her struggles. Writing that suicide note must have been hard. Leaving behind your friends and family...but she was strong. Even though she had problems she still took care of her siblings, and that shows a lot of strength. She must have caused a lot of drama, but doesn't everyone? The scene that stands out the most to me is the suicide note. All the things she wrote in that note was...surprising. She told her mother that her father was cheating on her, she said some very hurtful things. Moia made the book, her story was the most reliable and interesting story.

brit said...

The character that had the greatest impact on me was Moia. She had a story that many people in the world experience, and that’s what made her so memorable. Moia went through a state of depression, sadness, and loneliness. In my opinion, this made many other readers engage into her character. This also made many of the readers have a sense of sympathy for her character. The scene that touched me the most is when Moia took her own life. It was one of those so real moments that take you back to reality. It makes you realize that families across the world experience this everyday and we should be grateful for the life we are able to live and that God has given us. Moia’s character spoke an immense volume that had an impacted me greatly. In closing, the intensity of Moia’s character was great and it kept the book interesting.

D'Yonna Venson-Nave said...

I believe that Father John Sweeney is the most memorable person. I believe this because Father Sweeney,a priest,questioned himself on his high position. The scene that recognizes this is when he wonders why he a priest. He wonders why the Bishop and Pope doesn't see his flaws. Father John then decided not to go to Rome,with his fellow priest friends. He stayed home and isolated himself from everybody. Father John Sweeney then seen Hal Schwartz. Hal Schwartz is a fatherlike figure to Sweeney. He tells Sweeney that God is challenging him to the best of his ability. That being a priest is not an easy job.

Ciera H. said...

I think that moia was the most rememberable character in the story. I think this because she needed major help. Like, she was kind of crazy in the book but in my eyes it was just she needed someone to take time with her.If I was her mother I would have got her help but I would have also been helping her myself. By, talking about her feelings everyday and how is she. Stuff like that. I am kind of happy that it was a character like that in the story because there are real people today with the same problem as Moia had.

magee n. said...

I think the most memorable character in the book is Father Sweeney. Father Sweeney has been there for everyone in this book. He was there when Maggie Kealey was sick. He was there for her daughter when she was going through the suicidal stage. He is also the main character in Fatherless. Father Sweeney wants to be able to help everyone, even though he knows he can't fix everything. Father Sweeney was a teenager once, he understands some of the things that the other teenagers go through. He is one of the strongest people in the book because he takes what he has, works with it, and trys to fix it. Father Sweeney is my role model in this book.