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Thursday, November 11, 2010

thinking about schools and teachers

By the time you have reached 10th grade, you have met a lot of teachers and many ways of teaching. Think about the "best teacher" you have ever had. Without naming names, please explain what that teacher did that helped you to learn. Can we use that method for our theology class?


ROBYN C said...

I remember when i was in the fourth grade and my teacher realized that i was having trouble learning how to do math, so she decided that i could write problems out that we did in class and put the answers on the back of a piece of paper and the questions on the front, and when i did that i understood how to do math better because its hard for me to understand something unless i right it and look over it. I think that this is a method that we could do in theology because when writing notes on things it is easier to take a copy book home instead of a textbook because it is lighter and it is also in words that we could understand, but i also see that we have been doing that method in class already and it helps a lot of people in class to pass and also to remember what we learned for a long period of time.

brit said...

There are many great teachers that I have encountered throughout my years in school. The best teacher I had was in 7th grade at winslow township middle school. She was my writing teacher. She was such an incredible teacher because she was able to get us involved in the class. A lot of the times I think teachers take the fun out of teaching and it becomes boring. This makes the students loose focus and/or not want to learn about anything they are being taught. I think it would be nice if teachers nowadays would create a fun learning environment for all. In closing, here are things that I think we should include in the aspecs of learning.