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Friday, November 19, 2010

Crusin' Not Boozin'

On Tuesday, Nov. 16th, we had the annual Crusin' Not Boozin' assembly. In each assembly, speakers told their tragic stories and brought the message to us of how their mistakes affected them and their families. The stories at both assemblies were remarkable.

All of us have sat with speakers who survived from big errors like drinking, drugs, recklessness or big problems like eating diorders. Sometimes we don't even hear the speakers because we are so used to this kind of thing. But sometimes we do.

There really is no way to judge who is being helped by bringing these speakers to us. I hear with my adult ears. What do you hear with your younger ears? You know what I mean: does it help to listen to survivors?


Ciera H. said...

I actually like this assembly. It really kind of spoke to me. I remember last year when I forst heard about it I though "omg, not another boring assembly", but it wasn't. It was teaching us that we need to thing before we do things because we never know what might happen in the end of it.

elishah said...

i liked the assembly it helped us realize that just because it may seem fun to do,but it can have horrible affects on you and the people you love.

brit said...

The Crusin' Not Boozin' assembly was absolutly inspiring. It captured not only the ears of adults but young adults as well. It is one of the many assemblies here at Prendie that gives us a wake up call. The assembly gave me a deeper understanding of not only the speakers life but my life. It taught me to cherish the lives of others. Additionally, the assembly taught me not to take my health for granite because there are many people out there who suffer from health issues everyday of their life. In closing, the Crusin' Not Boozin' really has a great impact on the minds of young adults.