Just a reminder:

Our blog is open to everyone and it is something we should all be able to enjoy and be proud of. If we take it seriously, it will be fun as well as informative. Kindly keep in mind the Acceptable Use Policy of our school and if you need to see it again, it is available on the school website.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Progress reports...

...are more than just checking comment and grade. For the thinking, caring student it is a time to answer honestly, "How am I doing with my effort - is it my best?" For anyone falling into old bad habits of laziness, it is way too early to give in to that. For anyone struggling to understand something, it is time to take the responsibilty to get help. For those who are doing well, look around to see how you can help someone and look to yourself to see how you can challenge yourself in school.

We've all heard this - my life is a gift from God; what I do with it is my gift to Him.


Anonymous said...

Progress reports are cool if I am passing. I like my parents to see when I am doing good or bad. It also helps my desire to do better in school. :-D

brit said...

I strongly agree with this blog. It is very important for us to try our best in everything we do, & if others see we are trying our best then they'll believe that we can accomplish/ conquer anything we attempt in life. Always be sure to do your best because it has a greater affect later.