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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Joint project

Completing the joint project with the students in Williamsport had good points and bad points. What was the hardest part of it all. What did you learn? If you had to do it again, what would you do differently?


ROBYN C said...

I think the hardest part of the joint project was trying to gather information from people that are a distance away. The other thing I found very difficult about doing the project was that when transfering information to one another was excedingly hard because we had to decide on which persons statement to agree on. I learned more about how Chatholic schools gert more of an advantage in life because we learn more and are in big class rooms with more than 15 students. I also learned that working witth someone I can't see in person or even know isn't really that difficult just as long as we work togatheir. If we had to do this again I would rather have the people next to me instead of being on a webcam because most people need more time to talk to there person than others. I also think i would change the idea of just working on this three times a week because when the time came down for the project to be due it was more intense.

elishah said...

i learned alot from that project that, the group people need to work together better then what we did. we also need to talk more because the person in williamsport my not know what to do or needs our work.i would not do it on google docs because it is too slow and can be confusing. the hardest part was trying to get everything done on time and handed in with everything.

brit said...

The Joint Project with the other students in Williamsport was a great way of meeting new people. Additionally, it was good learning the other schedule of another school. I personally, enjoyed the project for the most part but there were some rough patches. The thing that was much of a drag was keeping up with the other student in Williamsport. We never knew what she had already done. But in the end we all got it done and the project turned out amazing. I loved talking via webcam in class and learning about the other students and their school. I learned that Prendie is very fortunate to have the technology we have and we shouldn't take that for granite. If I had to do this project again, I would change the way we organized different points of the project. In closing, the joint project was a great oppurtunity!

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Ciera H. said...

The hardest part of doing the joint project with the students in Williamsport was that they were so far away and I have never did a group project without my partners being right there with me. What I learned about doing this project was that you don't have to be right there with your group to do the project because just like the webcam we can use other technology to help each other. If I had to do it over again the thing I would do differently would be ask my teacher for more help because in the beginning, I had no idea what I was doing. I think the good point about doing this project is using technolgy like google docs or the webcam to do projects with someone far away. Honestly, I did not like doing this project. I would have preferred that they could have came to us or we could have came to them. Because I believe my project would have been done earlier and way better than what me and my group came up with.

Maria U :) said...

I think that one of the hard parts was that they are in WIlliamsport so it was hard communicating. It was also a little hard emailing all of the work back and forth because sometimes we accidently deleted someones work and stuff like that. I learned how to compromise more. It's just simple for example; I would ask my partner to do one part of the project and I would do another part. It can be useful later in life because sometimes I don't think about fairness all the time. I think that we did the project the best way we could by using email and video chat. The only thing I would do differently is work on it more than I did at home.

hughes, s said...

I think the hardest part of the joint project was making sure everything was complete and included in the newspaper. I did enjoy the project though. It was so different from any other group project that I've been a part of. I learned how to be more organized and responsible with my work, because if I messed up, it wouldn't only hurt my grade, but the other girls in my group too. If I had to do this project again, I would have tried to communicate better with my group member from Williamsport. Our group was very organized though, and we got everything done on time.

Anonymous said...

The hardest part was not seeing the person as we worked. The communication part was a little hard also. I learn how to work with someone miles away. I also leared I get impatient when it comes to my work. If we did it again I would do my work without worrying about what they others are doing and just get it done. I would also work harder

Bodiford.D said...

This joint project was both diffcult and fun for me. The main parts that were hard were keeping in touch with a person in a different school and in a different town. Also another hard part was trying to put all the information from 4 different people into one project. There were some fun parts to doing this joint project. One thing I found interesting about this project was when we used the mac book to chat with them.

DeVaughn N said...

The hardest part of this project was communicating with the srtudents at Willaimsport because they were all the way in another town and our only commuication was through the internet oppose to working with someone in your class.It was also difficult working with a complete stranger especially if you are shy. I learned to work with other people I didnt know because that can prepair you for the work world and also strengthed my knowledge about Catholic Schools. I also learned how to communicate with people in different ways besides just through email. If I had to do this project again I would probably be more organized and try to learn more about my partner out of town so I wouldn't be so shy which probably delayed some of our work effort but we still did a great job at the end.

Bunn G. said...

In my opinion, I think the hardest part about the joint project was communicating with our group member from Williamsport. That made it hard to get his work and put it all together. Doing this project, I learned about compromising with one another, and working together. If I had to do this project again, I'd try to get more in touch with my group member from Williamsport. Over all, I enjoyed parts of the project, I liked using the webchats we did during class, and learning stuff about them, and how small of a class they are. I have ups and downs about doing this project over again, but I think I would do it again.

Solomon, T said...

The hardest part about the joint project to me, was definitely communicating with the member of our group from Williamsport. It was often very hard keeping in touch with them. Especially trying to communicate with a person you don't even know. However, the fun part about it was video chatting in school! It made class more interesting, exciting, and different.

D'Yonna Venson-Nave said...

The hardest part of doing the joint project was working together as a group, and communicating back and forth. It was very complicated to keep things organized,and to get information from one another.But with doing this project I learned how to become to trust worthy of others with my work . This was a good team building project teaching you that its okay to depend others for things. If I were to do this project again I would make sure that things are done in an orderly way, and that as a group that we're prepared. This was one intersting project.

Rayy! said...

The hardest part of the Joint Project was getting in contact with the person because they were so far away. Some peoples information wouldn't send or it just wouldn't get to the other person. It was fun though because they had a very small class and i never knew how that could feel to not be around a lot of people. I probably would never do a project like this again because it is stressful and takes alot of work, But its good we tried it. It was interseting, fun and difficult.

Amirah G said...

I personally think the joint project was a good experience. It was fun working with another school, but at times it was difficult because you had to send alot of things back and forth. I learned when you work in a group you have to be patient with each other, and learn how to respect each other.I also think it was also very hard because some people in the group wouldnt do anything at all, and i like to work by my self not in groups. It was very interesting, fun, and hard at the smae time.You also have to be very organize and make sure you have all your thigs together in order for the project to be right, and you have to follow directions very carefully.

Val said...

I thought it was a good way to switch up the daily project routine. The webcamming was fun because i've never done a project with someone over video chatting. I got a good idea of how other schools are. Their school is so small. Prendie is a small school but not as small as theirs. The hardest part was when you had questions for your group members, you couldnt ask them right away because they werent actually there in person. It was frustrating because sometimes emails and parts of the project wouldnt go through all the way, and they wouldnt recieve them, or we would be working on one part of the project, then our other group member would send the same thing and it was just hard to organize the information. I learned that even if these people live in a different part of pennsylvania, we can still work together and get a project finished on time with the help of modern technology. What I would do differently is organize the information better and have more time to chat with our group members so we can catch up on our progress.

nicolebove said...

The hardest part of the joint project was comunicating with the students in Williamsport.It was alittle awkward because we didnt really know eachother. Another reason why i thought the comunication was difficult because sometimes we would here from them or get there emails for some reason.I learned how to work in a group better,because you rely on eachother to get things done and to do it right so if you dont do your part it not only affects you but the people in your group to.I also learned how to keep my work alot more organized so nothing go deleted or lost.Some things that I would do differntly if I had to do this project again is I would try to comunicate more with my partner in Williamsport,and I would put alot more effort into the project to make it even better.

Mary McElhone said...

I had alot of fun doing this project but I have to admit that it was really hard at times. It was really hard trying to get work from my partner in Williamsport sometimes and it was kind of hard to communicate with one another. We were always online at different times so I couldn't really talk to him besides on the video chat. I learned that you have to be REALLY organized to do a project like this. But other than that the project was successful. If I had a choice to do that project again I probably wouldn't do it because it was very difficult to get the work from my partner. But I thought it was really cool that we got to do with with a school so far away from us.

magee n. said...

I think the hardest part of the joint project was sending the work back and forth through the email. I learned how to plan everything out before working on a project.I also learned how to make a newspaper and that was really cool. If I had to do the project again I would plan it all out the first day we got it because I didnt know it was going to take a long time to do this project. I did like doing this project but if I had to choose this project over one that you didn't have someone a couple hours away working on it, I would pick the easier one.

cesira said...

In my opinion the hardest part of doing the joint project was working together as a group, and communicating back and forth. It was very hard to keep things organized,and to get information from one another. I learned when you work in a group you have to be patient with each other, and learn how to cooperiate with each other and spend your time wisely. Over all, I enjoyed some parts of the project. I liked using the webchats we did during class. Im not to sure about doing this project over again,because it frustrated me esspecially in the begining.

fields.N said...

The hardest part I think was not being able to communicate I whole alot to the people.And gathering information with the people in the group. What I learned from this joint project was cooperation from the group and if I had to do it again. maybe if we had more time to complete it and what wouldi do differently. I wouldnt do anything differently because I had great people in my group and they all gave their opinion to make our project turn out right.